In order to satisfy the needs of our customers and to guarantee maximum functionality and thermoacoustic insulation, ALsistem has devised a fitting system that resolves all the issues related to mounting and installation.

The quality of a window is the result of several factors, not least of which is the mounting and installation. It is not something that should be improvised and should be carried out by skilled, qualified technicians.
What is window fitting?
Window fitting the mounting and installation of a window. It is a vitally important operation that, if done badly, compromises performance in terms of
thermal insulation and acoustic insulation as well as quality of life in the home.
If a window is not properly fitted, you may be exposed to the penetration of hot or cold air, water ingress and noise.
What is
Thermoposa is a project, compliant with the UNI 11673-1 standard, that resulted from the collaboration of a group of Italian, Austrian and German technicians. It is fitting method that is unique in Europe owing to the following features:
- It only uses materials that are guaranteed for at least 10 years;
- It has its own fitting manual which illustrates the most common fitting scenarios, designed and tested in the laboratory to ensure efficiency and performance;
- It can be adapted to all sorts of construction sites thanks to its simplicity of execution;
- It is carried out by qualified fitters who have obtained the Diploma of the Accademia di Formazione (Training Academy).
What are the benefits of this window
fitting system?
Choosing the right window for your needs is not enough. It is also important to ensure that it is fitted by a skilled professional in a way that ensures all of the following critical issues are addressed, so as to effectively improve the performance of the window.
Total protection
against infiltration
of draughts
Significant reduction of
noise pollution
10-year guarantee of
the window performance
A properly fitted window
increases comfort and
ultimately saves
time in the long term
Thermoposa is a system for fitting external windows that, at a reasonable cost to the client, guarantees a good thermoacoustic efficiency and an optimum durability of the sealing elements thanks to the collaboration of a qualified team of experts and heating technicians, Thermoposa has resolved some of the issues associated with fitting windows through the:
- Development of solutions to create a modern counter frame;
- Design and selection of materials and systems suitable for sealing the counter frame to the wall;
- Design and selection of materials and systems suitable for sealing the frame to the counter frame.
What does the Thermoposa method entail?
The best way to ensure optimum energy performance is to make sure that your window is fitted properly. For this reason, ALsistem has developed a fitting method that is unique in Europe which uses materials with a 10-year guarantee and which is carried out exclusively by qualified installers. This ensures optimum thermal and acoustic insulation and air and water tightness. The Thermoposa installation procedures ensure our high-quality standards.
Are you a window installer or designer?
The Thermoposa method is easy to follow and can be adapted to any worksite.
ALsistem provides everything necessary to learn about and to work according to the Thermoposa method. Download certifications and manuals or watch the video tutorials created with your needs in mind.
Our qualified Thermoposa installers
For the installation of our windows, we work exclusively with window installers who have obtained the following qualification: “Qualified ALsistem Thermoposa installer and technician for the requalification of the window aperture”. All our installers have attended the training course on “Installation of ALsistem’s high energy efficiency windows using the Thermoposa system” and have passed the final exam. This means we can guarantee our customers a level of expertise in the fitting of ALsistem’s external aluminium windows that complies with the standards required by the Thermoposa system. For ALsistem, technological development and professional training go hand in hand and so we only work with qualified installers who complete refresher training courses every three years.
Our authorised dealers
ALsistem is present throughout Italy and has a comprehensive network of authorised retail partners specialised in the design, manufacture, sale and installation of ALsistem windows.